I've been making cold pressed coffee with my french press a lot lately. In fact, for the last month or so it's all I've made. I've really noticed a difference in the taste (soooo delicious) and the way it reacts with my stomach (less acidic) much better than hot coffee. I can't get enough!
UPDATE: Since making this post I've gone through my 3rd glass french press and finally invested in the Frieling Stainless Steel French Press and I'm so glad I did! It works great and will save me money in the long run. Make sure to use a Bed Bath and Beyond coupon to get 20% off!
A few people on instagram were asking how I make my cold pressed coffee, so of course I wanted to share allll the details. It took me a lot of Pinterest searching to find how others make theirs, and I've tweaked it a bit, so here's how I make mine...
| Coffee ingredients |
ground coffee (course ground is best)
cold water (purified if possible)
| Almond syrup ingredients |
1 cup water
3/4 cups brown sugar
2 Tbsp pure almond extract
First (and maybe most important) step...choose your coffee! My favorite is the Texas Turtle blend from World Market, but my Mom sent this delicious Spring Blend (from The Fresh Market) in our Easter package, so that's what I've been enjoying lately.
Measure out your coffee and cold water into the french press. I do two Tablespoons of coffee, then cover with 3/4 cup of cold water...repeat until the french press is full (not too high that you can't put the lid on).
Cover, but don't press yet...set your french press in the refrigerator like this. My fridge only has one spot in the door where it fits like this, so you might have to move some things around. This coffee is worth it. ;)
Leave the french press in the fridge for at least 12 hours, I do mine in the afternoon or evening (whenever I think about it) and leave it overnight so it's ready to press for my morning cup.
Feather Bracelet: c/o Mint Remix
Immediately press and pour your coffee into a separate carafe (so it doesn't get all murky and gross). It can keep in the fridge, covered, for about a week...if it lasts that long. ;)
Make sure to save some for coffee ice cubes (or make a special batch), they are wonderful to use so your coffee doesn't get watered down. Yuck.
For the almond syrup, I usually have this made in advance and stored in the fridge so I have some in the morning when I'm too tired to think. I've found it's best to make a double batch, because it keeps for about a week in a covered jar in the fridge.
All you have to do is heat the water and sugar on medium heat until all the sugar is dissolved, stirring constantly with a whisk.
Once dissolved, let the mixture cool and then pour about 1 1/2-2 Tbsp (up to you!) of almond extract in and stir. Pour in a jar, cover, and put in the fridge for future use.
Once you have all the ingredients made and stored in your fridge ready to use, just follow the easy steps above. Pour: coffee, coconut milk, and almond syrup. Stir with a whisk (up and down motions while spinning around...you can always put in a jar and shake, but if you're drinking out of a mug I've found the whisk works best). Add coffee iced cubes and enjoy!